Nvidia quadro 4000 (mac version) – £73 off normal retail price

I’ve been using Adobe’s Premiere Pro CS5 a lot recently and the app is starting to grow on me, so much so that I’ve decided to invest in a new graphics card that should be able to to provide GPU processing for the Mercury Playback Engine. If all this sounds like gobbledygook then read my explanation here.

I’ve decided to go for one of the new Nvidia Quadro 4000 cards for the mac. These cards are listed on the UK apple store for £799. I’ve been in contact with Jigsaw systems in the UK who I purchase a lot of my kit from and they have offered a price of £726 for a (brown box) version of the card which is basically the same product without the flashy packaging.

I’ve spoken to my account manager at Jigsaw and he’s prepared to offer the same price to any readers of my blog so if you’re interested in buying one call Tim Bridger on +44 (0) 115 916 55 36 and tell him you’ve seen the price here.

The card is expected to arrive around Dec 17th and I’ll be writing a full review once I have it installed.

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2 Responses

  1. Lucas H says:

    Thanks for keeping us updated on your CS5 journey, Paul.
    I am currently jumping into the Premiere Pro as well (from FCP), what are some of the best online resources and blogs that you frequent?

    • Paul Joy says:

      Hi Lucas. By far the best to check out if you’re coming from FCP is www.chrisfenwick.com where chris has posted a lot of videos about switching to Premiere as an FCP editor.

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