Tagged: Canon C100

Canon EOS C100 mark ii with handle fitted

Canon EOS C100 MarkII Announced and available for pre-order

Update 10-02-2015 The C100 Mark II is now shipping. Click here to view at B&H   I’ve just heard from B&H that they are now taking pre-orders for a Mark II version of the Canon EOS C100. Having a quick look through the specifications reveals some really important updates including...

My FCPX Location Workflow

It’s been a while since I’ve shared my location workflow and since the release of FCPX 10.1 it’s now a useful tool for ingesting in the field so I thought I’d take a bit of time to detail exactly how I go about managing data when working overseas. Firstly i’ll list...

C-Cup: Improving the C100 Viewfinder

Any C100 user is all too aware how frustrating the EVF is to use on the camera, mostly because it feels as though Canon purposefully designed the eye cup surround to be uncomfortable as well as impractical. I’ve posted before that I’ve resorted to various attachments to make using the EVF...

Tell Me Whom You Haunt

This was another in a series of interviews shot at the Blain Southern gallery in Hanover Square, London.  This was my first shoot with the Kessler  Pocket Jib traveller and it was quite a challenging day where I really felt that my kit was fighting me instead of working with...

Bill Viola

I had the great pleasure of shooting an Interview with Bill Viola at the Blain Southern gallery in London earlier in the year and found him to be a very inspiring artist. I found his series titled “The Dreamers” to be particularly interesting as he made great use of slow...

Atomos Ninja 2 review with Canon C100

Since using the Canon C100 with it’s internal AVCHD I’ve been wanting to try out an external recorder like the Atomos Ninja 2 just to see how much difference the cameras compression really makes to the recorded footage. I’ve found that it’s easy to see tell the difference between the...