Tagged: Premiere Pro

Using the Trim Monitor in Premiere Pro CS5

I posted a video last week about the basic editing differences between Final Cut Pro & Premiere Pro. In that video I described how the biggest problem with PPro for me was the inability to do various trim edits using the keyboard. Thanks to a comment from David K I’ve...

FCP to PPro CS5 – editing differences

Im general I’m really enjoying Premiere Pro at the moment, working with DSLR footage is a breeze and I really like the workflow, but there’s a few fundamental differences when making basic edits that catch you out as a FCP user and I thought I’d throw together a quick video...

Multicam edits in Premiere Pro using PluralEyes

In this video I show how to use PluralEyes to sync DSLR clips in Premiere Pro CS5 and then go on to show how to do a multicam edit. As you’ll see in the video PluralEyes works slightly differently with Premiere Pro which requires a slightly different approach to the...

FCP to Premiere Pro CS5 – basic editing differences

Im general I’m really enjoying Premiere Pro at the moment, working with DSLR footage is a breeze and I really like the workflow, but there’s a few fundamental differences when making basic edits that catch you out as a FCP user and I thought I’d throw together a quick video...

Nvidia quadro 4000 (mac version) – £73 off normal retail price

I’ve been using Adobe’s Premiere Pro CS5 a lot recently and the app is starting to grow on me, so much so that I’ve decided to invest in a new graphics card that should be able to to provide GPU processing for the Mercury Playback Engine. If all this sounds...

More Premiere Pro CS5 trials

After watching Chris Fenwicks presentation about the benefits of Premiere Pro over Final Cut I felt inspired to give adobe’s NLE another look and run a few more tests for myself. After spending a few hours trying various things I ended up with a lot of questions and made some...